High Google Rankings

Winning the Google Race

Are potential clients finding you?

In approximately 68% of Internet searches, users don’t go past the first page of the search results, and in about 92% of searches, they don’t go past the first three pages. Consequently, it is critical for law firms to obtain high Google rankings to be visible to prospective clients.

If your firm doesn’t have a first-page presence, chances are high that your firm won’t be seen (or considered) by prospective clients. Conversely, firms with a strong first-page presence (through organic rankings and pay-per-click marketing) receive a disproportionately high number of clients.

Our SEO program consists of the following elements:

  • Search Term Identification: We identify the key search terms prospective clients are likely to use when searching for your legal services
  • Competitive Analysis Report: We identify and analyze the top 10 “Competing Websites” on Google for the key search terms, and prepare a comprehensive report based on our findings.
  • Website Architecture Report: Once we have an understanding of what changes need to be made to your law firm’s website to achieve high Google rankings, we prepare our website architecture recommendations.
  • Link-Building Strategy Plan: Because Google rankings are influenced by the number and quality of links from other websites that link to your firm’s website, we create a detailed link-building plan.

Running shoe and bubbles

Like most “ethical” SEO companies, we don’t guarantee first-place search engine rankings. Contact us today to see how we can create an SEO plan that is right for your firm.


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